GuestWings makes a guest appearance on Great Day Tampa Bay!

We grow in so many unexpected ways. In the early days of my career, I took pride in being strategic, creative and the "big picture" person. I thought that the details should be the job of "other" people (without really considering who those other people were . . . or how they would know what to do.)

Over the years, I came to understand the vital role played by the inner workings of an organization. I (almost accidentally) found myself in a management job that was leading many of the staff roles . . the infrastructure of an organization's operations. At first, I complained about not using my strengths . . . and then ever so slowly, the light went on. My job there was critical to assuring that the company could deliver on its commitments. In today's competitive world, our customers need and expect us to DELIVER!

So, to me, it's kind of ironic that I appeared on TV last Friday to talk about the details of how to plan a successful family event. I did it to help promote GuestWings . . . but I also did it to share what I have learned about the importance of planning and coordination to make it work smoothly. We discussed the ideas in relation to Mother's Day, but the tips apply to almost any family gathering. Here's a link to the video . . . hope you enjoy!

Terri Shapiro